Photo by Olga from Pexels

Our mission:

We are a non-profit organization that provides breast cancer patients and their network of support with a sense of empowerment and community through breast health education and advocacy.

WE ARE a non-profit organization CREATED to provide women and those affected by breast cancer with accurate clinical information as well as support in order to live meaningfully with their breast cancer diagnosis.

We exist to deliver a message that would provide the general community:








Our goal is to EQUIP you, the breast cancer diagnosed patient and your network of support (family, friends, coworkers, etc) with accurate clinical information about breast cancer and how we can all better live through the disease.

We are aware that the lack of breast health education and confounding information are obstacles for the early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer; unfortunately, we have seen many cases where this misconceptions about breast disease caused women to seek help a little too late. These misconceptions affect everyone, but have a heavier impact in underserved populations, whose cultural beliefs and difficulties in accessing the information puts them at risk.

Education about breast health is a tool that empowers women to make healthy choices, enabling a prompt diagnosis and treatment, which results in saving more lives.  Our goal is to provide this education in a friendly, accessible way. In other words, through this website, your doctor becomes your friend.


You are not alone!

Bloom is blossoming to become an online community in which women with breast cancer and survivors can find a meaningful and connected life.
